When it comes to choosing fence options for your home and composite gates, the main two materials to choose between now are timber and composite. If you are looking to achieve a certain aesthetic at the entrance to your home, it can be difficult to tell these two materials apart. Keep reading to discover what the difference is between these two materials and the benefits of choosing composite fencing in the future.
A Low Maintenance Solution
One of the top criticisms of timber as a material for fencing is that it requires a lot of maintenance to keep it in top condition. When the wood starts to age, it can warp and rot if it’s not been taken care of well. On the other hand, you’ll find that with composite fencing, you don’t have any of these concerns. Instead, you’ll save endless hours of sanding and staining your fencing, which you can spend doing other things you truly enjoy.
Even cleaning your modern composite fencing is so much easier, as it can simply be wiped down when you are concerned they are getting dirty. This will help them to remain in great condition, and you also won’t have the concerns surrounding water absorption that you experience with timber fencing. To make composite decorative fence panels as effective as possible, we use boards and aluminium posts that don’t absorb water so that you won’t have to worry about the material becoming twisted or rotten.
Composites are a Strong Material Option for Fencing
Gates need to be strong enough to resist the wind and pressure that they often face. When comparing composite vs timber fencing, timber fencing is usually the far weaker option. It can struggle in high winds, which means they are more likely to get damaged in the future. This can make investing in new gates a huge waste of money while also leaving your home open to damage or theft. Instead, composite fencing is well tested to ensure it’s of the highest quality. You’ll find that it won’t break down in high winds and can also be installed in coastal areas where there is a higher chance of damage from salt spray.
An Aesthetically Pleasing Option
Although the main advantages we’ve shared so far when it comes to composite fencing are those with regard to the functionality of composite fencing, you’ll also find it’s far more attractive. When you install a timber fence in your home, you’ll find that one option is usually much more attractive than the other. This is just a natural occurrence with wood, but it’s a pain for homeowners who want to ensure they have a welcoming entrance to their home. Composite fencing looks great on either side. You’ll find that you enjoy looking at it from inside your home, as well as from the outside of the building.
A More Eco-Friendly Solution
All homeowners need to be more aware of the sustainability of the decisions they make when it comes to making additions to their homes. The number of trees that are cut down for timber fencing each year is staggering. This can add to deforestation concerns and have a huge impact on the world around us. Instead, composite fencing is made from recycled wood fibres and plastics, which are a more eco-friendly choice. These small changes soon add up, and if we all opt to use this material, we’ll soon help to make a huge difference to our planet.
Quick and Easy to Install
For homeowners or business owners who are looking to add composite garden gates in a rush, you’ll have no trouble doing this with modern composite fence panels. They are quick and easy for our team of professionals to install, no matter the size of your gates. This will help to save you both time and money, as the installation won’t require you to pay for endless days of manual labour. On top of that, you can expect this investment to last you for longer than other gate products. You can also choose a colour and design that fits your home, making this a completely personalised upgrade to your home.
As you can see, there are many benefits to opting for composite fencing for your gates over timber fencing. They are an attractive but secure option for any type of property, which is why the material is being used more commonly now. Our team is excited about offering composite fencing as a new option for homeowners, and we see the many benefits of this long-lasting material. We’ll be happy to discuss any questions you have about composite fencing and how we can install this material in your home in the future. Don’t hesitate to Adfabs Gates today to learn more about these gates and how they will protect you and your family in the coming years.
Read the next article: What is composite cladding?
Reference video: Miura Board